One might suppose that the development or educational toys based on cognitive development. There are more than a theory of cognitive development of Piaget's theory seems to be acceptable to most. Using this theory, let's look at toys that are the best through the stages of development. Read on and discover the truth about learning toys for learning.
Admitting that every child develops differently and that the theory was based on false Piaget, assome transitions were smooth. Some of the challenges for the theory based on the belief that a child's economic, familial and social factors of development all the cognitive effects. Keep them all in this sense when choosing toys that best contribute to the development of a specific child.
The truth about educational learning toys
According to the theory there are four different stages of development. The first is the sensorimotor stage, which lasts from birth to about two years. During this phase ofChildren learn coordination between hands and eyes, the result of an occurrence of learning, plan their own activities, try new things and the creativity and intuition begins to develop. By the end of this phase the main objective is to have learned of the child object permanence.
Toys can be seized in the hands and pulled, is the favorite to start this phase, while later in the development phase of the great puzzles and memory games to make capacity forms.DVDs available, and these young people, help develop language skills.
The pre-operative, after two starts and ends at about seven. At this stage, develop curiosity and reasoning. At that moment the child begins to recite stories of fantasy and magical worlds of play to develop. You are not to associate in another point of view of the position of people with their own.
could be the kind of toys for this stage of puppets, dolls, all kinds of toys that the childto create an adventure. It is recommended that a strain of dress clothes and allow them to act plays in developing their self-esteem. There are a lot of computer games and other games to promote good healthy role.
The third phase is the concrete operational stage, and the last between seven and eleven. Many important changes occur in this stage of development, such as sorting of objects, relationships, recognition, classification of groups of objects,Problem solving, understanding to include many topics, the capacity that things can be changed and then again in the same way, and storage.
Any kind of games would promote logical thinking at this point are excellent toys. Many computer games are available specifically designed for this. Word, and mathematical puzzles are also great to keep in the car for travel and if you wait in the waiting rooms.
The formal operational stage is from eleven to adulthood.abstract thinking begins at this point. I can draw their own conclusions from various sources and to apply, what has been taught. Now you can have a plan to solve a problem and are able to experience and understand love.
There is no shame in old-fashioned board game promotes the family business. Children are invited to participate in family activities to develop a greater sense of self-respect. Each type of toy that a child is scaryisolation is the best way for this age group. Sports equipment with the integration of the family, or learn to play chess is a good idea.
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