Make studying Fun For Kids With special Experiences
We all know that experiences are what teach us the most in life. It is those experiences which mould us a human being. It is true for all ages and kids also learn by experiences. I am sure we all remember those special summer events in the school or those special days at the grandparent's house. Those were special experiences which inculcated a lot of good habits in us.
It is those experiences that you need to originate for your child and help the kid grow into a fine mature individual. For example if you are planning a summer vacation trip then make sure that you involve the kid in all the planning and organizing activities. If you are seeing online for deals for the trip make sure that you tell him that.
It will help him understand the value of money and will help him in time to come to be just with the money. If you are packing stuff for the trip, elaborate to him what goes where and why. Do not underestimate the kid's power to assimilate knowledge. Let him pack his own stuff. In fact work with him to fill out on a sheet of paper what things you will need for the trip.
This will help be organized in life. That is what contact is all about. Teaching via this method is better than leaning via books. Even when he grown up he will never forget those summer vacation trips and the planning that went into it.
Most of the towns have libraries and other summer school camps. These summer school camps are nothing but learning via experience. The camps fabricate assorted activities for kids who help them understand the power of working together and how to do things in a social setting. So try to enroll your kid in those summer camps for maximum learning.
Trips to zoo also fall in the contact category as the kid learns about assorted animals by watching them in real as opposed to just reading them in the books. Make sure that you instruct the kid to write down on a piece of paper the names of all the animals that he saw. When you come home ask him to draw a photo of all those animals. This will help him learn better and faster.
The onus is on you to make learning by contact as fun performance for the kid.
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