Grammar For Kids
My 1979 edition of Strunk and White's The Elements of Style reigns over my workspace from its place of honor on my bookshelf. It's a slim volume because, like all good writing, the needless words have been omitted. The original, written as a college textbook in 1918 by Professor William Strunk, Jr., is ready at The following recommendations bring the study of grammar into the Internet age with their use of email, forums, and the Web.
11 Rules of Writing
Today's first site condenses English grammar down to just eleven rules. Drawing heavily from The Elements of Style, an anonymous college instructor created these rules based on his touch grading freshman papers. Each rule is hyperlinked to examples of definite and incorrect usage. For questions not covered by the eleven rules, contemplate the frequently Asked Questions page. And for extra credit, click on the New Word of the Day (at the bottom of the page) to scroll through some high-school level vocabulary.
Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
"Effective Writing. Rule 1. Use concrete rather than vague language." As the title implies, Jane Straus's guide is divided into two sections: grammar and punctuation. Each is supplementary organized into rules with examples (navigate these with the drop-down menus), exercises and tests. The quizzes are not interactive (try printing them instead) and include respond keys on the same page. A print edition of The Blue Book is also ready for purchase.
tasteless Errors In English
From "Am/Pm" to "your/you're," this clickable alphabetic list of errors is fun to peruse. Sometimes the easiest way to learn permissible grammar, is to learn what Not to say. For example, did you know a "pompom" is a large gun, but the fuzzy end of ski hat is a "pompon"? And a narrow confining garment is a "straitjacket" not a "straightjacket." Just click on any phrase for the unblemished skinny.
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