How do you get kids interested in something? Most children are naturally curious, and if there were opportunities and resources to investigate and get to enjoy, while others need a little 'more than encouragement and support. Astronomy and space have a fascination for many children - most at some point dreams, an astronaut when they grow up.
So how do you wake up to trigger interest? If your budget allows you to get them a telescope could be $ 6,000! Morerealistically could be a lot of fun to create, with star charts and stickers, glow in the dark of the night sky above their bedroom ceiling. You might visit a planetarium to them and then there are the toys they buy have a small planetarium in his room (the lights make great night too).
The variety of educational games available Dick discovery science, is the hardest part is deciding what to choose. There are glow in the dark stars, planets and adhesives or natural. You caneven the entire solar system as a desktop or mobile screen (motorized or not) that glow in the dark - you choose. Uncle Milton produce a fantastic range of toys which are also space as their "Moon in My Room" and "Night Sky Navigator" education. Theater planetarium and star in many different sizes and are produced by many different manufacturers look, and so get the best deal.
There are a lot of games to choose from - all players are introduced to astronomyand space, allowing them to have fun with friends. I also found an astronomy edition Monopoly. For the more serious young astronomer, as an exploration Science Kit by Thames and Kosmos, The Magic School Bus and the Young Scientist Series. The kits, as these manufacturers make great one-stop shop with instruction booklets and all bits'n'pieces in some hands-on training just to get out of the box.
If you're considering a telescope is notto actually spend $ 6000! versions for children from $ 35 for an entry-level telescope. When buying a telescope, look at a star map and travel guide - again there are many to choose from. Look around and read the comments as they give you a good idea of what you can expect the first part with your hard earned money for Christmas or birthday.
Need more ideas? How about playing with space thematic maps, a globe, astronomy, world map, puzzles,Quiz, game table constellation, placemats, posters, inflatable solar and space shuttles ...
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